Tuesday, October 12, 2010


this uncurable but controlable didease is very common in india. this is mainly due to no balance diet, torture,over taking of drugs, faikure in ambitions, and sometimes due to poverty,no recognition in work inspite of hard labour ,love affirs failure, , the main factor is no care in early stage which can be managed. this is a type of disease which repeats in different seasons,mainly in autumn and spring. it is mosly found in ladies. less percentage is seen in gents. generally it needs regular medicine. if left in between then the problem even goes to extreme. the patint want to get rid of medicine. therefore if it occurs once the medicine,to neglect the minn cause the start should be ommited. . some depression patients not cared even end their life by doing suicide . over all it can be controlled if treated properly earlier and the patiet can lve a regular life

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