Friday, November 25, 2011

a new trend. is this fair in true democracy.

                       what all is happening with leaders representing lakhs of is an offense to publicly humiliate any. this has happened with all party leaders. some laughing some saying as answer or some saying a way of protest. all wrong this is to lead the youth towards wrong take laws in hand and to humiliate any personally means no fear to punishment or law. definitely somebody is giving back support to such to bring disturbance in the country. why we vote for such if we think they are not right or thieves as one culprit said before media yesterday. media is also taking all such episodes in headlines for t.r.p. yesterday in many t.v. programmes with anchors and few other participants were highlighting as anger of people. what if you are angry you will beat people,leaders or concerned.this is all immature leadership of some organizations who are pro American who are here in India to create disturbance.why we not utilize our voting power why we not send strong governments best of available candidates to fight for corruption price hike employment others.

                                        it is true and fact that the developed are jealous of the best democracy in the world. by creating through some immature and young they want to prevent the development of country as going ahead very fast in all fields.all know that India is going to become world biggest power. since the time of British the efforts were to divide then on the basis of religion resulting the formation of Pakistan. we have such a constitution that we all power in our hands but we never utilized it. we have the habit of flowing in one direction or emotions.yesterday in many t.v. programmes and many on press said that people are now out of limits and unable to face the problems. and were comparing such as a start like Egypt Lebanon others. the situation there is entirely different because the power have not gone to true representatives constitutionally or to the elected representation by fair is fact what all happened there have finished all their industry development others due to such protests. it is also way to to make the countries backward by doing such agitations as happened in Arab world.the present coming govt will take decades to compensate the losses occurred in these countries. u.n.o. never tried for such during the tenures of dictators or long stay as heads. have any thought they preferred only fight or revolts the reason behind is the sale of weapons to such people. the biggest examples of such is Afghanistan Iraq OTHER ARAB AND AFRICAN COUNTRIES.the aim of such support from backdoor was only for their benefits oil control, currency and control economically on these states. the helping countries always took benefit of the help after the war for so called independence was over. there was other ways to aware people and pressurize the dictators to go for democracy.

                                                the countries whosoever got Independence after long agitations AND WAR BACK TO CENTURIES IN DEVELOPMENT AND STILL PEACE HAVE NOT OCCURRED IN EGYPT IRAQ AFGHANISTAN OR OTHER my concern to give examples of middle east is not to give direction to young. Anshan agitations are good for attention but not in such way that people start taking law in hands. by such ways the control goes in hand of inefficient powerful people and the aim to remove corruption,price hike will come in hands of those who have earned lot through n.g.o. corruption and even crime. such can become more active to save themselves or to divert from their past activities.shelter to such who humiliate or even come in public by such throwing shoes slaps is only to get t r p.. the media is also getting cheap episodes.
                                     such situation if practiced or allowed and no strict punishment then such activities like protests jams agitations and opposition of leaders to whom majority have elected in democratic way can retard the development of country. the price hikes in our country ids due to mediators and stockists in a planned way during the time of harvest the prices are brought down and when the farmer finishes his stocks the prices go high. this is all due to no control on prices and limit of profit margin..their is even 200%  difference between raw,wholesale.m.r.p. mentioned are also very parameters to control between cost of production and sale value.the prices were never so high when the sale was with petty sellers or small business people. since the trend of outlets and big mall etc who have high expenses for depreciation,losses which can occur,big expenses for manpower and showrooms others the prices by them have become criteria for others also who have less other expenses.
                                                                               the best for all leaders social workers political parties in country welfare is to condemn such acts which are antisocial, against law,and can put up their voices in a decent way and the ruling governments to hear and analyses the demands made by such in democratic way with consultation of opposition parties and all leaving their egos and in country welfare should cooperate to find out solutions for such demands which people make. the scenarios scene in last few years can weaken the democratic systems. seeing the vast population growth and such a big country it is not a easy task to manage everything.such should not happen that may retard the growth of country and the hidden enemies of country inside or abroad may get advantage. the liniencies always cost great losses in long way the biggest example of which is Pakistan who is facing the threat of terrorism by giving allowances to the terrorists leaders and other outfits and now in trouble.
                                             all is good in healthy way and in a democratic way. if people will start following one person it leads towards dictatorship technically.the best attention needed is towards black money saving of taxes recovery of taxes monitoring of projects use of budgets for right needs.people-have to keep faith in any party of their choice and by good governance all is possible.the citizens can also help by reducing their ambitions undue as per their earning that itself will reduce corruption. now it is the time to think for country..much people an help by saving such for which we have to pay in gold.people will have to look for self employment.government can improve by giving good education to provide good health through their hospitals already sufficient in our country.maximum attention needed that help may reach to people not6 only on will be better to stop such helps and subsidies which are not related to common man and not essential commodities.the existing taxes are sufficient to control the economy if corruption and those immune not to work or NO PUNCTUALITY TOWARD THEIR DUTIES are managed to give results.  . the government machinery is needed to be made answerable WITHOUT ANY GRUDGE OR OTHERWISE. the departments responsible for getting taxes can change the scenario by proper management. the besat can be achieved by sending proper representation choosing the best out of available for local bodies,assemblies or parliament.nothing can change in few months it takes planning management and awareness to control all.

Monday, August 29, 2011


in my previous blogs notes and articles etc. i have written a lot on crime bribe corruption terrorism others.i review my views again with some new bribe came in our society it was since long but was rare,in Mogul period also it was practiced the history increased in the time of British.they were here to rule and most of the officers were from middle class.they use to get high posts though they were not eligible for it.many of them married in india.they started bribe system from offices courts others.the start was more in kind in way of valuable gifts.the indian subordinates use to collect in the name of theirs took some share and passed on to their officers.the memsahibs use to purchase from this amount paid by their subs who collected.the peshi system started in courts was since then.the daily collection from respective courts employees or mediators  or others use to buy daily need articles of the list given to them at home.that system is still in lower courts and never objected by any inside or outside became as fees on date of cases whether any action or not.still continues.when common sees then why those sitting on seats never prevented.if any opposes he is punished by giving long dates this is also the reason of delays in civil and collect orate cases.bribe have different names as suvidha business promotion,commission,service etc.generally large percentage of bribe is taken in wrong benefits like saving of taxes undue advantage,early work or to keep pending whatever is favorable or to save time of running.the lower level bribe is most in such departments involved in local courts max in criminal cases to delay the sentence.or production of fake medicines,fake licenses no registrations black work generally called no. 2,use of banned products or working commercially in wrong areas,fake schools n.g.o. s,wrong appointments not deserving for the post bye passing the right candidate,overloading in public vehicles like buses autos trucks illegal driving certificates.the criminals terrorists take advantage of it most.this prevent to get arrested or punished for long time till they get caught by right people.the maximum bribe is only given by opportunists anti socials thefts of electricity water others.generally wrong only get in hands to pay bribe so as always i say that bribe donor is big culprit because to get benefits only he give bribe commission gifts promotion suvidha etc.

                                                                                                                         i had been industry seen my parental business earlier,worked in higher position for big industries,go to courts for my property cases and had been associated with social works etc. i have observed that the behavior in all departments is due to donors due to which those who do not want to entertain are helpless to give otherwise they face consequences .many times when i objected for such after some course of time i was tried to harass but due to my proper and correct work and payments nothing worked out.if you are paying right nobody can ask for such .but for getting work done go through proper channel as per rules and keep patience my 99 percent works are completed without any bribe except some delays.generally the service class is so greedy and immuned if they see any being very rigid for not giving the weapon they only have delays.but in the end the work is to be done if you  continue to not get tired of running a start by few can change the scenario.this i always quote that start from yourselves to end corruption then only laws will work.simply pledges utsavs gatherings slogans will not be a success till we star noncooperation. the Gandhian way adopted for independence.the ideology that worked and read and researched all over the world.the success to it only if we participate without taking any post portfolio or any benefit professionally without any ambitions.this Gandhi ji showed personally for coming bribe is in which two people have participation if one denies it can finish and end.this can only happen if both leave their greed and ambitions and have fear of either god or law or love for nation to end this crime.this increased also to one other reason that those who were discarding such faced problems and were also many to save from consequences joined more serious problem is that all understand that the person is earning by illegal means but he pretends be to very fair and just,though this early rise shows that was not possible by fair means.other reason none dared to discard such on faces but enjoyed their parties and knowingly showed that you became rich by hard work .may be in taking bribe you need courage and tactics.the ambitions of a clerk are to live like officers.this pushed all in majority IN THIS HELL.BRIBE CORRUPTION AND CRIME.

corruption is related to crime mostly corrupt people are indulged in crimes and to save themselves they pay bribe from the money earned by wrong ways like theft fake products adulteration pickpocketing by not obeying systems or norms .all earning by wrong means come under corruption.if you sell aids products prevent from duty and work elsewhere is also corruption or wrong earning.many working for government are working elsewhere and reporting duty for some time and give some suvidha to concerned head is also black money generation and corruption.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

root of terrorism.

                             since last two decades the terrorism is seen in peak.the start was from African countries,Afghanistan and Pakistan. terrorist or terrorism is to create terror of any kind.but the start was from drug trafficking,illegal arms smuggling and other products smuggling.the support of some countries for their benefits or grudge to other countries made them strong.the leniency by the governments made then strong,and when the attention came it was too late.the united states suffered to help and support tali bans. osama or Saddam the biggest was against u.s.s.r. but it became like support of small anti socials to a big and in the end the coming wants to become supreme.illegal money earning was behind all in beginning,to get mass support and shelter the support of illiterates was taken.they could not understand what they are going for or to support.they misguided such many they are fighting for religion. but some in name of jehad were be-fooled. they even not knew when it is to be declared.the concept of jihad is when Islam is in danger,when any is preventing you to pray,preventing you to follow Islam ideologies.but they could not understand that what fear they had in Iraq,Afghanistan,Pakistan or other Arabian countries.there is also no threat of such in democratic countries like bangla desh,india,Malaysia or Indonesia. the question is why the incidents occurred there.india is a democratic secular country,why it effected india.the threat to Islam is not applying to such many it fails that they have to anything for Islam,so what is the motive behind this remains a mystery.their ways of suicidal bombs attack and other ways shows that the terrorists groups have filled such in mind that their target is only devil acts like to kill people.damage property,create havoc,create hatred or suspicion for others.their preliminary aim seems to be prevent the development of world.are these a group of atheists who want to finish humanity,faith in god or religion.may be like devil written in all religious books they enjoy in crime or losses of others.may be they are group of devil as mentioned in holy books as shaitans,who always like uncertainty.they are trained such that they are not easily known to the right or just.why their outfits of training and planning not reported by is impossible that their will be not single understanding or nationalists in their nearby places.or they so so shewed that they such hide outs where none can have many incidents have taken in world but no success in tracing their complete body.may be they are in such disguise that none can even many investigation it has been found that most of them were found drug addict.may be such have been made helpless to work for them by making addict to such without it they cannot live.and by earning money from smuggling,of drugs arms others they give so much of money that their near and dears also think that their children are earning from any business and being illiterates they not understand the source of their to trace such we will have to keep an eye on those who have grown in very short period and also have unbalanced amenities wealth not balancing with their earnings or business.the other routine checks many i wrote earlier to be made more strict without any allowances or favor or pressure. the citizens will have to cooperate to detect such anti socials in the flock in which we may can also catch terrorists.the motive behind such can be to earn illegal money or to divert from their actual activities they are indulged.much of research needed to end this from world.nothing impossible if properly managed.the previous successful operations can be shared for the techniques they often use.......

Friday, July 8, 2011

the hot issue of the year

                                                         since i have started writing for public to view i had been covering issue like crime,corruption,education,reforms,management,systems,administration,corruption,bribery,opportunism,terrorism ,history review and main aim is always to bring awareness.this is also a part of my service of social help for education.i made a start writing blogs by recommendation of few students who use to come to get write some for projects.i worked more on writing for preparation of my daughter for journalism.the interest came to me to publish my works at Facebook as notes,blogs on blogger,then i started writing for comments and tried for columns in print and electronic news papers.started from only writing letters to govt agencies i turned towards internet.many of my friends liked my way of presentation.i then started tweets.all my writings linked with each other.i also shared my good and bad experiences with the new in trade,industry and also common.writing made me coolest possible.i only write what i think or comes in my mind.this is the reason i started blogs like my ideas,do you agree,save the planet,help the world,ecosave and notears,ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL SERVICE,EDUCATION HELP ETC.howandwhysuch etc.the concept of mine was only to highlight abuses and uses,merits and demerits,by doing so many particularly ask me to writ in favor or against,but my aim always is to implement anything is very easy but we should also keep in mind the after effects.may some not take undue advantage or favor.there may be no functional problems.the fear of punishment may not finish.already lot of people are immuned not to work.if more weapons to save will be given directly then there can be administrative problems.liberty is in democracy but not above law and will have to follow rules regulations.if we give any Brahma Astra  to society or any individual then he can dictate,threaten or blackmail directly or we can hope that we will find angels for some the summary of all my notes blogs comments is that all pillars to be answerable to each other.some important positions and portfolios will have to be left as per protocol or respect to the post.if any have the power to question all then democratically to whom he will be answerable.who will see that the person effected got justice or in law or judicial system there are one court above other.the last power to review is with president.this only to get justice to cross examination is very essential for democratic system.we have constitutional power if any government or representative not working as per desired responsibilities their is space to be terminated by party or not to elect again.the constitution was framed such by our great leaders that true democracy may be in our country.their was prevention also to stop corruption but such a complicated issue it is a very big  task to stop.for stopping such in my view lot of cooperation and vigilance will be required.their are two parties in corruption one who propose and one who receives.we will have to find out ways and systems to screen them besides a system transparent and no space of favor or a hot issue of the year and something best can only come out by full cooperation of all political parties.all good suggestions to be entertained forgetting the personal competition for issue like such.all can come up to find amicably some good law to manage with  effect,for  good governance and control by any party who may be in power.if any hurdles of any kind the weapon of amendment is with parliament.

najeeb khan
kamla nagar agra-282005

Saturday, June 11, 2011

the real social help.

                                                 these days social work has also become profession.millions of n.g.o. are there to do the job. they are getting grants,help in kind or money..there is no direct control on such. all is on paper.much is spent in conveyance,maintenance,salaries,seminars etc. how they manage well known.few decades back all such were coming directly to schools,hospitals,homes.i remember my school days in morning the milk was available for the poor. i also use to go to take sometimes.due to in hands of such institutions who had there own resources less chance of corruption was vaccines,medicines,others come they can be seen on shops.the records are in hospital given to Mrs.....but no record where admitted or vice versa.if she was on list she must have government hospital certificate of proving she is pregnant or conceived. the distribution is in hand of lower the time of treatment the doses should vary.earlier all were managed by hospitals of government or social registered organization of fame or missions.there was proper record of admissions/discharge,treatment,vaccination cards,possible to check by concerned or crosschecked afterwards at the residence of the beneficiary....all going in hands of too many n.g.o. has reduced the control and more percentage goes to infrastructure. i wrote many times that aids to directly go to hospitals there audit of everything is done and less possibility of manipulating,being a social activist and social worker is from heart or does not need any publicity or demand ,any portfolio,membership,t.r.p.,business etc.these days seen mostly social activists have billions assets.if any is social worker he should work at no profit loss.many past social workers like mahatma Gandhi,Florence nightingale,  mother Teresa,never occupied any portfolio.they also adopted such ways that the actual social help may be given to mass.there satyagrahas,Anshan were for humanity,social causes,and help to needy. the organizations they formed were non commercial. the ashrams they formed were near to nature ,the pleasant natural systems,surrounded by such trees that they also become a help for animals,birds,human beings.the construction done was essential.away from luxuries.such never joined any committee etc. when the task on independence was over Gandhi ji also was away from politics. all he left for his successors of congress.he then preached for harmony,equality,peace and for right.such leaders,reformers,saints,founders of many organizations,many swamis preached and educated since long and ages for anti-corruption,peace,communal harmony,just,equality,up-gradation of down trodden.Dr b.r. ambedkar also fought for corruption decades back. the citizens were effected by over interest,unequality,bonded labor all such was corruption only. since times the reformers are fighting against it. it is not a very new issue to go to anybody account or to take credit. such should not be politicized or to be made issues highlighted as new. the bribery is since ages but it increased in British times and due to over ambitions and too much of greed increased in last few decades. the law and measures to prevent such was taken in all times after independence as a fact. but there is no weapon to make it transparent. bribery or black money processing is in the hands of common citizens. they only entertain such for their benefits. what can the governments do if any body do not want to pay taxes or keep accounts of such. generally common provide black money to such people for their benefits and facilities.i saw one article of former p.m. pt. jawahar lal Nehru.he was always against clerical jobs,i understand his views.corruption medium is lower working class.they are the medium to arrange such meditations.he had the concept to see your files yourselves. depending always make the officer away from the facts. this British era system can be seen even after 65 years of independence. i see officers asking their subordinates about the case of the file before them on table what is to done etc. this is all due to no update of records themselves.too much of pending and not in proper order makes such helpless to depend.this is the reason of many developed countries not having too many subordinates the chain is not long easy to control. as i have written earlier that to finish corruption we will have to create awareness,education-infrastructure,systems,strict laws and punishment,transparency and e. will start from ourselves,all will have to cooperate,we will have to forget political competition or vote bank on such matters. it can give chance to opportunists to cash for their benefits..too much of interference of non political in government affairs and too much of accumulation of money give rise to such which can even dictate. this is never favorable for democracy. .emotional statements, use of popularity by other abilities is good to form a political party or to contest an election.but in national interest must not be used to blackmail or direct any elected government.all have liberty to give suggestions for good causes,activate people for good causes but all in a peaceful and democratic way as permitted by constitution of india.i also appreciate the tenure and efforts of atal ji government for many such reforms he did in his tenure,many state governments are doing well in a democratic way in their states like u.p.,bihar and gujrat others. other states should see the merits of others. this is true politics,management and governance. good discussion in assemblies and parliament are also very necessary to find merits and demerits which can come out in discussion only.for making good laws and amendments for a successful future of india it is necessary to all parties to cooperate. this will only allow the judiciary to give his opinion or verdict /decisions in many cases pending. all parties to consider on important matters seriously because one day when if they in stage of forming government they can also need such cooperation if not full majority.such causes like black money,rivers crisis,environment,corruption,health,education,good output of government departments can be a common agenda of all parties.these are universal requirements like security of country and defense common for all. the best will be in my view to keep away religion from politics for that many other religious organization are there and all have liberty to keep faith in any religion and enjoy good life.

education help india.....
najeeb khan
D-72,kamla nagar agra

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Saturday, May 14, 2011


many students have asked me to define this word ATTITUDE. really a very meaningful word in life and use.the attitude of person shows his ability,anguish,frustration and intelligence.further i will define in many ways it is involved or effects.
                                                   what is attitude it means that how you behave with others.pleasing,hard or teasing.  i observed a lot for this.sometimes this becomes due to frustration,knowing the person he is dealing is thinking or trying to make one understand the politics played by someone and you are helpless to clarify.i know my such personal instances when on back such were backbiting and in front they showed that are very concerned to myself.when such use to contact me i use to be rude in attitude.overload of work and no returns also make such attitude not pleasant to others.sometimes tiredness,over work period of time,unnecessary involving in matters not of concern makes the man harsh in attitude.some are in negative attitude due to no fulfillment of ambitions though they deserve.many times the man becomes habitually always rude due to such people who for their personal benefits harm somebody. so the attitude can change if more goes well as per your personal experience that i suffered a lot due to my some friends who internally were foes that they always did such that harmed me in my profession. it is not easy to bear such when you understand the conspiracy.that all happened to get some personal benefit like sale of their product or to get such product which i use to refuse because it was not possible to be made may be due to infrastructure or raw material or its costing side. or to get their person entered on my place in employment.

                                                     i remember those past days,and review for myself.none is of rough attitude people make such.without thinking facts and reasons behind. i still remember one big factory of shoe owner to whom i clearly refused a product.he was so much proud of his contacts that he even warned me of consequences to not complete my order. he though was past tannery owner of agra and should have known  that a high class selection is in very less %.if i must have accepted such huge order then the backlogs must have been in tannery for years. i left that tannery on this issue and afterwards on executing that order that tannery was closed due to losses and wrong decision of its directors who saw the present earnings.not the fall overs.this happens due to lack of experience and then also the attitude of employer and employee changes.  being trained by my seniors to work in organized way only it effected my career because for many small enterprises owners it was a waste because they work in short term way.the results of jajmau,Kanpur, where i was in last days is that those only could survive which worked in organized professional way by profession specialists.only experienced can be firm on his decisions one can call his attitude or behavior.
                                 so attitude have a very big used word of English and applies at many attitude can be judged best if understood well.

najeeb khan
kamla nagar agra.  282005

Friday, May 6, 2011

to control now new organization to centralize at district level.

due to development works not centralized and not decided on one table,and no control on many, is always creating delays in work and wastage by repeating of works give funds losses.i mean no centralization of work in one command and no coordination.many leaders had an idea of panchayati raj how it possible if the allocation of funds and control is in different hands leaded by many i a s,others.such many i had been writing since long seeing on the sites where work is in progress.budgets are allotted for same area to sabhasads,m.l.a.,m.p.and some special budgets on other occasions.the n.m.p. and a.d.a.,is also conducting many works.the other works are by highway authorities,jal nigams,water works,etc. in between private work's are done for telephones,electricity,others.
so my concern is that like if it was planned underground line for electricity or phone why interlocking was done.the sides must have been left for proposed works.such projects not come in a day or month they are under consideration for years.others if any sewerage line was to made then why new roads were made they must have temporarily repaired and constructed afterwards.the problem is that the representatives are least bothered of losses but only want to utilize the allotted funds.the areas have existing drains they were simply plastered and shown new construction.this happened in my locality kamla nagar,the existing nallah made by awas vikas was reconditioned as these are ways the funds are liquidated.those parks who had already submersibles more were added of no use.only to take praise of few locals that we have done some development in our are.when well known that hand pumps are failure in those areas where there are submersible the why show pieces are made and money wasted.i can show such near submersibles then how to hope they will function properly.crores is spent on cleaning of drains why not covered so that garbage may not be thrown.near my house i covered nallah by simple stones cover it never chokes and never cleaning problem.since years crores spent on cleaning which is not practically very workable and for some time period.why the covered nallahs not made as of raja ki mandi below labh Chandra market to s. n. hospital,covered nallah give less problems and also prevent of my friend was asking solution on Facebook for solving the problem this can be now since independence we must have spent more than it took to cover.we do not make long planning but find only such works which are unaccountable.some will say of choking problem i will say their are points given to prevent such.there is technique to stop sludge and other foreign particles which can choke.such one drain is in Kanpur from city to jajmau built in early fifties till date it has never been completely cleaned and carries maximum part of drain effluent of the city.nala moti katra nallah big part is covered itself get cleaned by pressure of flow every monsoon.
so coming on the main point that proper coordination and the projects in one team control is very necessary.the merger of n.m.p.,and water works is very important.pending since long.this can reduce the delays due to work in two departments.the sanitation work was earlier joint,now there are separate dept. and even all infrastructure to asses or receive taxes like water tax,sewer tax and house tax.many times seen the roads constructed few months or a year back demolished for sewer line can be seen in the works going on in agra.when it was well known that much such work like sewer,electric,others are to be done such funds must not have been wasted.only repairs for time being must have been done.there are places where no development and to please some and to show taking much care of area such work unplanned were proposed and losses of revenue.this is all due to no joint master plans of cities with all concerned departments.and the authorities or others who passed such were not technically sensible to think in long way.such should be prevented and a joint survey to be done before accepting any project.simply liquidation of funds are not in welfare of people country and its economy.merger of same nature departments is also a necessity now.

najeeb khan
kamla nagar agra-5

Monday, May 2, 2011

the end of a most wanted in 40 min.

one of the most wanted terrorist of world.the founder of organization AL-Qaeda,searching operation was on since decade.threat to Islam, innocents and to the civilization.working in the name of Muslims or jehad in his own interpretation.self designated server of his community whatsoever it was for.easily moving all over for decades in Afghanistan,Pakistan and not known where else.identified of his death by his wife.traced on the information of courier and one another.claimed was not having any internet or mobile or any other near military headquarters.far from borders.must have died in his traditional beard.that nobody can remove if true follower of Islam.the most important part of body,eyes damaged very good angle of shot of forces of a hidden means such a big terrorist not retaliated much.even in a small encounter one or two get wounded but none killed or means that the terrorist head was easily ready to dye.only a big blast reported by locals.thank God a very easy operation to kill laden.postmortem done or not not on news.cremated within few hours.not displayed his body to media.people were very anxious to see his fate,and had been lesson to others involved in such activities.i could not understand the policy to keep the after operation activities secret.when death of laden was declared then some information must have been shared for world to see the end of most wanted.

these are some of the policies which give chances to critics.the same was done in osama case.yasser Arafat death is still not confirmed how it happened.such is the concern of mass to know the realities in this modern and advanced technology world.when even cloning is possible in medical science.many other adventures are on can develop stories and episodes of dead,then only live can be believed.the past videos always shown with old photos,when many journalist claim to take interview of laden,many times videos came on air eating food etc.but he was not seen very ill as claimed that his kidneys were not working since years.who was conducting his dialis at different places.was he having doctors team with him.none had been killed with him,where they have disappeared and how he was surviving for weeks as the forces claim that trap was since weeks.such many suspicions arise that how he was surviving without treatment.why those who were visiting that house not reported caught.

overall thank god that the big task was over as per American information without any loss except the culprits.the task was over in 40 min.surprising pak security and forces are so inactive that in their military area, operation was going on white were there,may be some blacks also and the security there could not recognize per news that pak was also not made aware of means that military of pak is in barracks and all control was in hands of u.s.,since long.when as claimed that information was since last two years then why attacks were continuing in border areas.

so much is to be researched,for reality.much remain unanswered.if the most wanted retaliated so less it must have been wounded such that caught alive much had been investigated,of his future programmes,arms and ammunition's he have and where stored.others who accompanied him must have been killed a man in worse ill condition as claimed must have been trapped and the world have had relief of finish or end of one terrorist organization at-least.lost a culprit which was possible to catch live.

najeeb khan
agra india


Monday, April 18, 2011

tips which can reduce corruption

1-less interference of political powers in administration.let the administration do the job if not satisfied then go for support of any.this job can be done by email or phone.all imp. phones are with senior authorities.they can look into it if then also some problem put on the platform people have given,either in assembly or parliament.gathering of different parties in favour of one or another give chance to anti socials to worsen the issue.personal fights are converted into communal,political or others.if for little accidents and fights due to gambling etc politics will be involved many can take advantage and the right will not get biz for small causes to be the person or community only give to their benefactors.this is democracy and provision in our constitution the voter is invisible,only assumptions are made from data afterwards.actually the voter chooses his like being present for favour is only a show.
2- we will have to choose the right social persons for representing the social bodies.only those to be awarded portfolios who can serve and have sufficient time for it.donations or anybody economical position should not be the criteria.many enter in social activities and after become famous come in politics.their is no relation of social service with active cannot go on side by can come in social service after leaving active politics,because if connection with any party or organization one cannot be fair with social service.he will have to work in pressure.

3- the political parties will have to review their system of allotting positions or portfolios,experience counts a lot in politics.many parties lost good seats only due to wrong choice.background and his contribution to his party,past experiences,consistency in party,achievements count a lot.the old lot in all parties did lot in their politics life they gradually rised to that position.the results seen the they are very controlled in giving statements,and always take care in making can not become politician in overnight,but now seen many become heroes in one day.but all such not lasted if parties properly screen and choose right candidates then the competition will be strong and the best will represent their constituency or area.right will go they will be less indulged in corruption.

4-a good aristocracy can keep a good control on bureaucrats,others.competent can only manage to reduce corruption.if good professionals join politics then we can hope of some change.those who have ambition to join politics should study history,political studies,different constitutions,and then experience with their seniors of this field then only a new constructive political class can come out.the young if interested in politics should become active from their college life starting with unions,then they can train themselves by joining some trade organizations or other organization.this can only produce good and competent new generation politicians.many of the political studies teachers who never came in politics but the ideology which they taught is still like other professions politics also need right and proper education.simply taking part in bandhs,processions not make politicians.

5-THE LAST PART IS THAT THE NEW OR YOUNG PRESENT GENERATION IN SERVICE OF GOVERNMENT WILL HAVE TO SEE THE WAY OF WORKING OF PRIVATE SECTOR.ALL WILL HAVE TO BE RELATED WITH INCOME AND LOSSES.WHEN WE TAKE OATH TO BE ON RIGHT PATH WE SHOULD FOLLOW IT. TO finish corruption the higher authorities will have to become bold and ready to face transfers etc.this is their life to survive in such circumstances.much can be checked for such through control on illegals.i cannot suggest anything openly but can tell about British times,then if simply a policemen use to go to village people use to fear what had happened.i discussed with many senior officials how you managed the corrupt English officers,their reply was that were very strict on common and mass.for the officers we use to arrange suvidha from anti socials,wrong,black marketers,others involved in wrong we survived.the system of bribe entered in india in that period only.the maximum officers were obliged such.the peshi system in courts is of that time only.but those officers came to india to earn something which they could not in their country.this is fact that it not finished after independence.for foreigners it was of no concern.they knew that one day we will to leave india.but how it continued afterwards it is to be reviewed,in my opinion this continued in greed of earning extra money and to oblige others in higher to finish corruption the whole infrastructure will have to is a long task,now to reduce it and to make maximum honest those indulged in such to be discarded .strictness and punishment can bring a change,now the salaries are handsome one should learn to survive in budget what we will have to keep ambitions seeing his position.copying others will not work.god has made rich and old when we take birth in a family.much can be changed by honesty and hard is not necessary if born in poor is liable to be poor efforts without earning by unfair means one can come up to the level of rich.nothing is hidden your neighbors know how one have come up.may be they not say in your presence but such are always discussed in society.the only start can be to reduce corruption by service class is only to be punctual in work,proper and regular make subordinates answerable to their responsibilities.proper systems to minimize corrupt practices.action and enquiry on complaints.receiving with acknowledgement public grievances.reporting on correct go outdoor after joining the place of work or office.computerized attendance.there are lot of measures which can increase the capacity of one work.punishment to dis-obeyors,and charge-sheet and transfer of genuine service class who are incompetent or suspected to be indulged in wrong activities.for this senior will have to become ideals.they will have to show results and discipline.many seniors are not seen in their cabins then how the subordinates fear.many times if you are in some office the present there will report on outdoor survey or the tendency will have to be changed such excuses English officers use to tell but if we are true to serve our country we will have to be honest and think for betterment of society.this will also increase revenue and corruption will get reduced to minimum.

ultimately to finish corruption one class cannot be blamed.all those are involved in such corrupt practices like adulteration,black marketing,illegal lending of money,unlicensed business or any other profession are only giving place for corruption.if no bribe by the donor the in the end work is to get rid or save taxes bribe is offered.both sides are equally responsible for corruption.and this prevents other work also,because such create star corrupt practice then newcomers and other also follow.those who appose such face hindrances or for a good start the young generation can make a difference.those young on high posts can do surprise checks regularly to prevent wrong.all like r.t.o. dept. senior police officials,can make more surprise visits.administrative class can bring lot of change by organizing the offices and departments by latest methods.all can be directed for daily performance and results.private sector have minimum complaints due to proper electronic control.productivity can be increased by leaving old methods and new to be adopted.all payments can be managed by centralized systems like bank,post office,b.s.n.l..the best results were seen in electric privatization.the long ques and wrong entries have gone to negligible.all revenue collecting departments can have counters like l.i.c.the balances are always on computer and the status of all and everything is available.proper entries and circulation of proper bills can remove the lacuna's of can change a lot.transparency in all works can reduce corruption.entry of mediators should be banned in all departments.proper application forms,easily available on websites,computerized receipts with centralized system records.e billing and payments in all govt.departments can bring transparency.our country former prime-minister always criticized lengthy clerical work.he understood the lacuna of corruption and manipulations possible.if proper rules and regulations are followed,inspection of all at site regular checking by concerned,no partiality in assessments,videography can increase the revenue of government and what all saved by opportunists through corrupt practices can be minimized to minimum.good revenue can be shared by by the government and service class can be awarded incentives.this will bring eagerness in work and interest not like city bus service certain fixed kilometers run no thing fixed for income.if the target is based on income then the story can be different and the government services can run in profit like private.this should be duty of transport department official to check after travel ling in such buses and r.t.o.,to prevent illegal services.coordination and merger of same nature departments,nigams can bring more efficient control to improve. SO TO REMOVE CORRUPTION START FROM YOURSELVES AND YOUR HOMES AND RESULTS CAN BE SEEN IN FEW MONTHS.THE SLOGAN AS OF MR. LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI EVERYBODY WILL HAVE TO FIGHT FOR THE EVIL ON THEIR PLACES,WHERE YOU ARE EITHER IN GOVERNMENT,IN BUSINESS,IN ANY PROFESSION OR AT YOUR HOMES. JAI JAWAN JAI KISAN JAI OF ALL WORKING FOR THE COUNTRY OR GOVERNMENT.IF ALL WILL REALIZE THE EVIL FROM GREEDINESS AND OVER-AMBITIONS FROM THE INNER CORE OF THEIR HEARTS CORRUPTION WILL FINISH.

AGRA 282005 INDIA.

Friday, April 15, 2011

a curtain raiser.

i have written much in my blogs,columns,comments,articles,letters to governments state and central my views on crime corruption opportunism and antisocial activities.on Facebook people agreed to view was that existing laws if must have been applied and people must have had fear for involving in any corruption but the draw back was that due to greed of earning extra,to fulfill their undeserved ambitions this cancer spreaded in the society.after few decades of independence the political parties made it involved in politics and many undeserved candidates got place in politics.the genius and deserved could not contest due to elections became very costly affairs.political parties also gave preference to rich.the voice of right among many disappeared.many left faces who had not worked socially in past,soon got chance in politics.succession also continued.the funds were not used properly or not reached to the right.large gap emerged between society.crime and corruption entered in poor class,many became supporters of one party or another.administration was forced through political figures because the sources of such made helpless to administration to keep strict.people learnt to mold their personal issues into political,communal,or otherwise.many times administration have to withdraw n such cases.every third person in india is near and dear of some party,organization or others.then for petty things politics will come in between how to think of good governance.whenever people are caught in cheating misuse of public property etc even regarding electric bills many leaders come forward to save the culprits. i am not writing something new all comes in news daily.many times people get rid of high charges to enter politics has become shelter for many anti-socials.many are portfolio holders after earning huge money from occupying or selling public land or by other unfair means.adulteration,in eatables,medicines,no taxes paid though taken by consumers to govt.encroachment,wrong assessments,occupying roads foot paths,graveyards for residences commercial activities advertisements,generators etc all comes under corruption.

lokpal bills or any other law cannot stop such.for this people themselves will have to understand.forming n.g.o.s social organizations with own family members is also a way of corruption.the land shown in such is used for personal farming and no declaration by many of income is not in practice.donations to parties and other organizations is also a legal way to save taxes.thousands of social organizations are registered every year.the budget are spent more on rent conveyance travel seminars parties etc. all is to enjoy the is to be seen that help is going to people 100 % to people and other expenses social workers to manage from their own.most of the help is done in consumables not easy to find whether it was purchased or only on papers.most of the budgets are spent in developed urban projects come up very less.rework and construction of roads in develop ares have lacuna s to manage.too many nigams for the same nature of job.and newly formed temporary nigams and boards give a chance of corruption or poor quality again and again in few selected areas hide the faults of early work.most of the development are not well planned due to many authorities and different coordination among them is wasting the funds.there are so many works in one area one from the allotted budget of corporotor then of m.l.a. then of m.p.,then in some special until and unless all will not be centralized district wise the losses will continue.first roads and drains are made then sewage work,then underground lines etc then somewhere water pipe lines instead of development become rework and waste of funds.if planned properly like metros of other countries under one responsible answerable authority then the cities can develop in a planned way....

so to stop corruption people have to think that the government money is theirs and all to see that it may not be misused.simply putting foundation or completion stone not proves that work is done satisfactory.question is that the development lasted for so much period.simply making happy to people of your constituency or area will not and all will have to keep pains of the money spent in any project keeping apart their political desires and vote bank.every year the budgets are present in loss.this do not show the prosperity of country.actual development means that all in india whether living in rural or urban should be equal and long lasting.if funds not utilized properly this is also a version of corruption or manipulation on papers.if the road is only layered it should come in records and if a drain is only plastered or renovated the payments should be done on actual construction done.

government can take strict measures and can control by good management and latest electronic technology to reduce corruption to great extent.proper planning and guidance by developed nation experts on such matters and how to bring transparency in tenders bids.and work to be given to companies seeing their expertise and previous background can remove the undeserved construction companies out of competition.there should be fixed liability and time limit of the work done.if the work is seen not up to the mark after certain period then such should be penalized and those also should be answerable to whom budgets were allotted for their area,and also the govt machinery involved in it.proper administration and strictness is necessary. political parties to choose their best candidature in all respects,and proper screening to be done before allotting and portfolio or ticket for election.good and expert,experienced candidature can change the scenario. if we will elect a sound and fair candidates for parliament and assemblies keeping in mind of good representation in all aspects can bring a change.besides that we will have to finish corruption from our end starting from ourselves.simply dharnas,hunger strikes can bring awareness but practical all will have to do.all know good or bad since ages.all religions show the right path.but the thing is when people will follow them by their hearts or brain.
the other part the govt will have to give attention to take measures to remove poverty,illiteracy and poor reduce crime and corruption unemployment will have to be removed,then the results will come itself,by good education and employment in any sector can make a change ..empty mind is house of devil.

najeeb khan

Sunday, April 10, 2011

who is behind the curtain

i am writing since long on awareness,crime,corruption,and is yet not proved who are the powers playing role in disturbances all over the world.the monopoly of few in u.n.o. also effected to bring transparency and facts.i cannot understand that how a right religion follower can plan or kill innocents.Islam is strictly against such.daily we see or hear in news hundreds killed in all over the world.there is some mystery or support by a strong defendant that in-spite of strict vigilance and actions against terrorists no results.though many countries claim that they are taking strong action against such then why they are still surviving.the reality of osama bin laden except one photo is only the information.voice can be managed to copy.when the developed countries involved in the operation have so much advanced infrastructure and latest satellite technology then why no whereabouts of osama.

is this not a conspiracy by arms manufacturers who are of one community mainly in all over the world to keep the world in fear and the business of their special arms in which they have monopoly may for example if people will be not sick who will buy medicines.

the economy of world great powers including America and France is in bad shape and they are one of the biggest arms suppliers.they have this alternate only that if war will continue in many developed countries then their products demand will continue and the flow of currency will be towards their much delayed actions all over the disturbed or terrorists effected ares give support to my view. why well planned actions are not taken,what they wait this not to weak the undeveloped countries,so that their dependency may continue on them.this can be the strategy to flourish the business of their countries because if the countries will be disturbed they will be economically weak due to their diversion towards disturbances and war. just imagine that operations in Afghanistan are pending since decades in the mean time the whole population must have been shifted to some safe place and the effected occupied are by terrorists must have been destroyed completely.if one has cancer that part is anyhow removed then delays give suspicion of the involvement of some powers who want to destroy humanity for their personal interests.Saddam was near to America,Taliban were earlier supported by America.Pakistan is still getting aid by America.on one side the whole world call it nursery of terrorists then why no ground joint action not taken against the camps where they are this advanced tech. world all is known that where all such are hidden.lakhs of innocents have died in Pakistan itself.
i guarantee and claim that the money till spend all over the world to trace terrorist outfits must have shifted all favorites of peace to some other country and all operation of finishing such have been completed by now. when their is any disaster somewhere due to nature we remove the common or not then why it was not done vacate one city one by one screen and do operations.but who want to get rid if there will be peace and no delays how they will sell their commodity and products which are outdated for developed.this all seems a marketing strategy to increase the demand due to this only no planned strategy is made and more losses are occurring in many countries.latest examples are Egypt,Libya etc crores lost no results still no true democracy in these countries.all in vain.see who will be the next target to create disturbance,war and to make economically weak and dependent.this is the way how to manage your economy and rule and direct the whole world.mass has to suffer.

najeeb khan

Saturday, April 2, 2011

antisocials waiting to create disturbance.

if you go through news papers agra is becoming most of the sensitive city. here the people are always in to find the way of conflict among two communities.many times they want to color the personal conflicts into communal.this all is due to divide the people on basis of religion.whether it is match or some other event the anti socials are to point out as communal.agra since British time have been very conservative and sensitive.the anti socials never leave a chance in commenting.i observe when one said to other i am very sorry that Pakistan lost to other community.i pointed that person do you know that when pak. was formed and india is old or pak. he was answer-less.the other of same community was educated he corrected the other.this all is only due to hatred to each other and no proper education.i request the teachers and the parents to clear the feelings in their children.hate between any religion and caste is sign of backwardness and not make the issues communal by making comments to gain political or other benefits.the reason of no proper development,etc in the subcontinent is due to such conflicts which people try to make.people not leave chances to comment,they want to cash by such of their political failures.this has arisen more in few decades. i use to live in gali mansa devi raja Ki Mandi agra and predecessors lived since centuries.this is the area full of mandirs and different communities but such never occurred.the are was always a headquarter of political and other activities.many times since centuries riots happened but nothing happened in that or nearby area.this was all due to large percentage of educated people.many people not know me on way but i am surprised to know their views full of hatred.Muslims are very rigid in their religion and this is the basic of i9slam,but anybody if go to translation of Quran Sharif their is no space for cruelty,crime,hatred,jealousy,or isolation.
actually no religion of the world have given any allowances for such behaviors to humiliate or tease anybody by such activities that the other may retaliate.people have expertise in teasing and converting the non communal to communal.for getting benefits they can go to any stage least bothered for national interests.anti socials wait to create disturbance in mobs crowds and rallies. the biggest example was Lucknow few decades back their were always shia Sunni riots, what use to happen passing through the majority ares the antisocial use to comment or did something against the emotions of other community. for years conflicts carried on and the antisocial cashed the division of votes and the weak verdict use to get elected.but when the scholars of both sides studied and discussed they understood the conspiracy and could know the man behind it. and after that particular person and his party was never elected what i mean clearly that do not give space to opportunism for which i am always against.since last many years in my area where i live few whom i know very well due to may be having some personal interest or hatred are doing some activities and i may loose temper or retaliate but i am neutral,i am understanding well the aim behind it and solving the created problem on my own.if such understanding of knowing the facts people may develop then nothing can support to anti-socials or opportunists.




Friday, April 1, 2011

hatred jealosy and its origin.

sometimes their are no reasons of this.anyone can be jealous of you.his acts can be due to hatred of any caste creed religion or community.there are some anti-socials who convert the situations in communal to create disturbances to achieve their aims to get fame,or to get political opportunities.this happens most in Asia.people are divided in such the basics and fundamentals are not based on national and humanitarian values.people to whom i call anti-socials create such that one may retaliate and become cause of controversies.i am a minority living in a posh colony,many know i love nature,trees,and love cleanliness outside houses and at all public places.what few anti-socials do they throw garbage of their houses packed in carry bags outside my house or in front of my house or near my house.i alone do not suffer but my other right neighbor also.i am cool and prevent any conflict i know the source because i am very vigilant and in garbage their are many clues to detect,lastly sniffer dogs can also detect the culprit.but i am neutral because i do not want to effect my work for the causes i am working.
one can face such hindrances due to hatred and jealousy in all fields.starting from childhood you start facing such struggles,during school days many of this kind will steal your books,project work and answer copies so that you waste time and get less percentage.i saw such in my school days and still my students report such.sometimes teachers favor some and neglect st.peters in my school days i remember few teachers who had this attitude i even faced such in high school level and inter level.same many bright students face such situation many times due to private tutorials.many such situation few face in their career and service tenure.this is human nature and cannot be prevented.

it is very important that proper education should be given at primary level so that the views,narrow mindedness,rigidness,conserve attitude may change.i have seen many who even not know the spirit of game they add religion and history to it.for e.g. i was reading newspaper the propaganda was made such that their is some war to take place.many report of humiliating relating the Muslims of india to Pakistan.many those even not know when Pakistan originated join the Muslims with Pakistan.Muslims in india are supposed to be first Indians.due to hatred of one religion to other people like Jinnah got an opportunity to calm Pakistan the biggest mistake done in world history.the opportunists and anti socials were prepared to make small incidents communal by relating the personal conflicts to the cricket match.may be still some pro Pakistan Muslims may be residing in india,because partition of india was totally on communal basis.the fact is that people like frontier Gandhi khan Abdul gaffar khan was never in favor of pak. and most of the frontier path-ans favored congress and the pak was made in their area due to certain policy of then British government.i heard the speech of frontier Gandhi when he came to agra he claimed that pak.was forced on us.the historical fact is that Muslim league was the brain child of Jinnah and British to prevent the development of subcontinent.india culture is of different character crores of people migrated from pak to india who really came from Pakistan historically though it was not on agreement of transfer of natives.the more populated Muslim areas were given to pak and rest to india. the Muslims migrated from free india from u.p.,bihar and other states are still muhajirs and never got the status of citizens of Pakistan.the secret is that if z.a. Bhutto must have survived the sind part of Pakistan must have merged in india..Bhutto plan was to free n.w.p.,frontier,and pak occupied Punjab free states and sind which had more population of Sindhi and indian migrated Muslims to merge in india.but his death prevented his secret mission.z a Bhutto had seen Sindhi development in india and also saw the position of Muslims in india living more peacefully then and path ans never loved to be under any rule.this is history that they have their rule still and believe in their own kabila laws and supremacy.Britishers also could not rule for more period in those areas.even moguls were not successful.the migration was due to governance failure during riots.historical fact is that no country can unite by religion.the origin of Bangladesh desh is an example.i have written much earlier on this.this our father of nation shri mahatma Gandhi knew well and he was against partition,but the ambitions of two leaders to become first prime minister brought this situation.the Britishers were very anxious in partition because they seeing future market of arms and ammunition.though their concept failed they had thought that always war will continue and they will not progress.this was also a form of indirect hatred or jealousy.

so coming back on hatred and jealousy that all is due to antisocial and opportunists in their own interest,financial,political,personal or others.this can be deleted from the minds by bringing the historical facts,mistakes,and after seeing past.the real good history to be taught to new generation.this will change the majority non understanding to understanding.personal hatred is cancer of society and it exists in all competitors of all fields.may be business,service,political or among neighbors.wise understand and fool continues such ill deeds to harm or irritate others.this is not good for upgradement of society and must be prevented or stopped.GOD IS ALWAYS HELPING THE RIGHT FROM EVIL.

najeeb khan
agra 282005

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

who is responsible....

i had been always writing for improvement in recovery of existing taxes.every time in every financial budget one or other tax is increased.this applies to local taxes and state taxes.simply a method is developed to increase anything tax or prices without finding or seeing other measures to recover more from non payers.those who have hidden their income or place to be taxed by any means corruption or support is giving higher loss.if routine survey and check is done you can find easily such offenders who hide the source of revenue as houses area and construction,energy theft,no registration of firm or shop,illegal gas connections ,water supply, factories,industries,trading companies,and many others.this give direct loss and indirect loss of revenue due to data taken from n.m.p., the palikas are the base of calculation and verification mostly in all towns and cities.this was the reason when taxes were applied in British times corporation were kept in mind for revenue to earn to keep the city clean.chungi was another source that was put in new clothes in the name of Mandi samiti,toll tax,anyhow the taxes are applicable but made in lengthy process and the districts are made dependent on fact the corporations and nigams should be non political so that more attention may be given to development unnecessary politicizing.unions students union were always individual not party wise so that a honorary post may be developed for the development and representation of area or organization college etc. being made political corporators act like m.p.,or m.l.a. not as representative for development of their respective area.mayors and corporators were elected in democratic method to look after the work of their area but the political parties to neutralize the ambitions of their workers and also made a battle ground for politicians and right people who wanted to serve at area level parted from it.never for mayors headquarters of political parties use to select,citizens of the area knew the person well and use to elect who they knew is capable and free to work for the city impartially. what all i point is the disadvantages of the new systems applied without study.reducing the income from other sources of n.m.p.,and new nigams made has brought up the costs of projects,and repetition of works,and no coordination and the planning was effected as i highlighted many earlier in the case of water works,jal nigam,n.m.p.,and many other nigams and public works department.due to such policies many departments are working under capacity or running with left staff or vanished.n.m.p., have no appropriate funds to run schools,hospitals,rescue center for animals,health vice versa.this all happened due to dependency on state governments for funds or projects.cities can be well developed in one command this is the principal of economics and management.such great economists are on portfolios and could not understand the basic concept.i personally hoped that if educated like many in parliament and state will come a change will be seen but all negative they are on the foot path of predecessors and never acted as past professionals.the whole world is merging many even private sector but we are finding new to create more posts and more chairmen of different nigams.such operations were easily possible through old existing departments,the possibility of improving them was there.too much of nigams have caused the burden of officers,offices and other hospitals foundation is kept not caring for existing because that will not give foundation stone or place in media.people now understand well the game of vote bank and this is the reason the voting percentage among educated and rich is going down interest due to no desired results.

coming back to district level the n.m.p.,should give attention towards raising funds from existing sources like govt lands,parking,their hospitals and schools premises,proper survey for house tax,other taxes,reviving registration AND CHALLANS TO OFFENDERS STARTING FROM LOW TO HIGH charges on repetition,to stop commercial activities in residential areas and if allowed to pay for it and follow the norms of pollution,hygiene etc strictly.charges of celebrations in parks to go to government revenue.if any govt park,land,or other place encroached if not possible to remove then the user may be of any post or community or whatever the nature of use the founders or on position in that organization may pay the value of that land and n.m.p.,to develop a new pond,park,forest,cemetery,etc of same nature and value at other suitable place.if one can erect a building or a structure or worship place he should pay the value of land...This should be applied to all by getting prior approval from high court to prevent any obstructions in the name of religion,caste,creed or community.if you use government land and can afford to do construction then why to not pay for land as per circle rate.if this not done there will be no fear of encroaching in the side of religion.many commercial activities are going on in shelter of such.

the conclusion is that if we are not selfish for our benifits then much can be resolved,
people will have to become conscious for nation interest otherwise few will pay right and many will enjoy the liberty,no strictness,or lacuna's due to corruption,and the poor will become more poor,middle will continue to survive for his honor and place in will also count down and multimillionaires will emerge very few like in the times of olden times mahajans kings,zamindars,taluqadars,and the society will have more poor and less rich.all is possible if law and order is applied and all pay the right tax and save million other from the burden of increase every time.all is possible if properly managed without any other factors interference for personal benefits.

najeeb khan
agra -282005

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

now to be reviewed for equality.

when the constitution of india was formed congress party was in power directly or indirectly.great personalities and leaders were among the founders of constitution.what all they agreed they thought for years on it and the constitution was formed.

one of the great demand was reservation to the underdeveloped and is right that in the times of zamindars and mahajans the castes faced hardships for centuries in the way of life time laborer,compound interest etc. Dr.B.R. Ambedkar understood this and he came forward for the rights and share of majority.he was a vary educated person and knew that a certain period will bring them to the level of common,but due to corruption and no proper distribution of the facilities the society benefited could not come up because if no education then how to take advantage.the policy and programmes could not benefit because the lack of education,awareness.made a new class whom we call creamy layer.a part took benefit again and again and those who were struggling could not compete with the new class developed among reserved class.the new creamy layer also started wedding etc among creamy and due to their status changed they became away from their original caste and came closer to high caste.they could not even get support or advise to come up by creamy.exceptions came up from the non creamy but all was more shared by creamy who were educated and better before partition.

i am never against reservation but i favor it if benefits the complete a man of this category who is a big business man,on high post ,who can survive without reservation for generations and have earned lot is sharing the facilities and depriving those who are meant to get help and are in need.though the political parties for a large vote bank never thought for the reforms because they thought that they may not loose the share of vote they get.

the reserved category leaders also not keen in this because they knew that if implemented they will be out of reserved category due to creamy layer and every five years a fresher will be out because he will be in the category of the reason was self benefit nobody wants to be out of power or general leaving exceptions very few of the ruling are thinking of their community interest.for example if you become m.l.a.,m.p.,or mayor in reserved category by the time you finish your tenure you will become creamy and as per my view newcomer to take benefit a replacement will continue in reserved category and at last how many will be my view is that their will be equality and my formula of reservation on basis of income in all categories or castes or backward should be given only to the deprived.reservation in the name of certain caste does not mean that you become a millionaire,chief-minister,president,prime minister,m.l.a.,m.p.,corp orator chairmen etc. you pay lakhs or thousands as income tax or other taxes and your children grab the benefits of other poor of your society,caste or category.i do not mean stop giving reservation to any class or category,finish general quota,we are ready to sacrifice all government jobs if you want to do so.but only to those who are in need of it.all reserved classes could not come up in above sixty years only due to no equal distribution among the needy or those who required.

all of this is in anguish due to seeing those still living in villages,small galis,slums,of same caste and community and even not know about the benefits they can get except old age or vidhva pension which local corporators get them during the time of election.others are still going to a private shoe factory,other industry,working as house maids,laborers,safai karamcharis,farm laborers,chowkidars,guards,tannery workers or indulged in their own cottage industry.actually how much have benefited is only like data s of other fields and a little true picture will be in the coming census report.

till when the mass will be be fooled for success in elections,do we not have leaders who think of mass,NATION OR COMPLETE DEVELOPMENT.IS THIS NOT A SHAME THAT WE COULD NOT EDUCATE THE DOWN TRODDEN IN SIXTY YEARS STILL THEY ARE WORKING WITH PARENTS FOR LIVELIHOOD.that all is due to those only bothered for votes and nothing constructive was done for any caste or creed.if we continue the reservation for next forty years like as past the story will be same and we develop a new high class among all reserved like high medium,rich,and other classes and the story for others will be same as in my view it should be reviewed and to be given in same percentage or can be given more but only to those who are poor and need it in all castes and classes as fixed by the constitution of india or amended later on.only those should get who deserve and need it,creamy should be isolated and asked to compete with general category because they have been uplifted for such.

najeeb khan
agra-282005 u.p.,india

enjoy there is none to check.

if you go outside you can see many things which on record and reports is all o.k.,today morning a supervisor of n.m.p., on tanki road f-block kamla nagar agra,was preventing somebody to throw biological waste of some hospital or nursing home,there are few shops of edibles,pan etc.he was right saying that your owner says that he is taking service of some such company who disposes such then why you throw these used bandages,gloves,cloth,diapers etc. he was right on his point the safai karamcharis who collect garbage are not protected from such,it also scatters in environment.this is the reason opposition of hospitals was made in residential areas few years back.i also wrote on this matter.the boys collect plastic they can also get infected.this should not be allowed.disposals from dispensaries,hospitals,pathologies,nursing homes should not be thrown on road side containers.everywhere their are residential houses.some more powers to check some senior employee to be given regularly to prevent can be hazardous.i am surprised that doctors who run such hospitals not keep an eye or they want more diseases may spread and their profession may this era anything is possible to run the business.this all comes under the jurisdiction of health officer to check edibles,such disposals,meat shops for quality and proof of stamp,discharges which can create diseases and contains blood etc.carcasses of dead animals away from residential areas. etc.this department of health was very active few decades back but now rarely seen on official visits.prevention is the better cure.strictness can control a lot.licenses and permissions should be reviewed that how such were allowed in such places which were totally developed for non commercial residential area.though license fees was nominal but it keeps a check on illegal occupiers or a record of area.challans and warnings can be a start to stop people to misuse the liberty of making the city dirty.nothing can be planned without awareness or discipline.citizens will have to posh colonies where it is determined that rich and educated live people throw garbage outside their houses,on park sides without any fear or shame.surprisingly few areas of poor people are clean as i saw in balkeshwar colony.

now the other part of people no concern.poly bags are still demanded by educated,many shopkeepers are still using it.electronic weight balances are not certified by weight and measures dept.gutkas easily available in black.though m.r.p.,is less selling in double price is continued and the buyers are paying more and black marketers are enjoying the liberty.the reason of such is due to no checks done for anything,in small cases people political support of one or another.people are fearless.everybody says himself that he is portfolio holder of one party or another.i use to think that politics was for elections/bureaucracy but now it become a my area one senior citizen objected for some problems due to commercial activities,he had to face retaliation and he prevented from it seeing that conflict can arise.

this is the duty of concerned departments to see such on regular basis that the people are following the norms.this will also increase the revunue of all departments.
issues like of rivers must not have been if the pollution boards had done their task.see my other blogs for the reasons such tremendous serious problem became only due to no proper treatment of effluents,when people and media came forward action taken but all in vain we are too late to recover the it will take long and high costs.

najeeb khan

Thursday, March 17, 2011

who is behind

the rise in crime,corruption,is all due to settlement and understanding between the wrong and anti-socials.the anti-socials elements want that such may happen that may be benefited.the wrong have entry in all services and departments,when a person get fed up he take help of mediators the work is then done.this is due to suvidha share enjoyed.all can be observed daily.every where there is understanding yesterday i was traveling by marcopolo very few passengers due to no interest to take any at stops,rude attitude with passengers saying we will not drop on way get down at tanki.imagine somebody have to go shree ram talkies why he will go to tanki kamla nagar.why such i accompanied the bus up-to last stop and asked why you do so reply was we will get salary least bothered of passengers.see the nationalists india says to become developed country in 2020.this all is understanding with other service providers to stop the service anyhow because it will effect their overloading who will travel in such circumstances,now they do because no alternate.
so what i want to highlight is that all such illegal earners do not want that good may happen,government hospitals do not run though private have lot of patients,get any work done through commission agents whether ration card,licenses,other works.clusters of such with offices can be seen,if no benefit what for they are there,it means all is going by understanding.i have personally seen if you go to higher authority he will reply i cannot help,and sends back to the same will not find many in offices saying on site,but nobody to see that on site why other staff not accompanied and why no results.the fact is that they come in late hour.thumb attendance can only solve this.all official surveys by official conveyance and log book with kilometers plus videography of place improve the British attitude much is to be done to improve.their attitude and way of working was such that they came to india to enjoy and most of them belonged to lower class because they were faithfuls of British is democracy and we have to work for our country,the luxurious life was given to British employees,because they had nothing to save for india.besides salary they use to earn by other means.the collection by peshkar in indian courts is tradition of that time.daily household articles were sent to the homes for memsahib.but wonder as i was told by a lawyer that one court gave verdict that,Rs.10.00 is not a suvidha and not comes under bribe category.

nothing can improve until and unless we do not change our selves if few come against these wrong practices which are done by people for personal benefits we can leave good examples for good generations.history is a proof for future and can not hide the facts.coming generation will hate predecessors for their deeds.nowadays seeing the position of others everybody want to earn money by any means,the main reason of increase in crime and corruption.everybody wants that he not deserve may be he get by illegal business or is not easy to detect the criminals and anti socials due to their style and contacts among others.people see only his bike,mobile,clothes,car,houses.wealth,way of living but never take pains to do friendship or attaching him in any body or organization that what source of his income is.migration from one place to another and easily getting verification documents have made their task easy.such always join some party to save in bad days and to get support.administration is also taking time in verifying such due to political support in very small incidences.

the other reason of increase in crime is lack of information.such get leaked from concerned offices and the national social people have to face personal grudge.too much political support,too many portfolios,if you pass by a car stand or colony every fifth house is a member or portfolio holder of any party or organization.definitely it effects the operations and work of administration.they also not hands easily and that take time and the culprits get benifit of that my letters to p.m.o. office many years back i wrote many measures but i understand this was not implemented due to its effect on vote such positions is to make everybody happy.the idea of identity cards to party workers was also not seen,this task i suggested to some non party commission like election commission.i even suggested that issuing of voter i.d.,other i.d. is a full time job and can not be done on contract or adhoc basis a answerable department is needed because it also need verification of all such documents like ration cards,i.d.,voter list.others at appropriate intervals.

so the extract of above is that routine and perfect checks by all concerned and cooperation by citizens can only reduce crime and corruption.simply speeches and statements and thinking of own pockets by aristocrats,bureaucrats,business class,others will not solve the crisis.everybody will have to peep in their heats and brains that how they have earned this vast and immense wealth.nothing is material,even karoon the wealthiest man of his times could not save his wealth from the anger of nature,god is almighty and never forgives anybody.all the person see from his eyes hell or heaven.its pleasure for while taste for some time even the lukman the great unani doctor or prophets could not save themselves from death or end.

najeeb khan
kamla nagar

Friday, March 11, 2011

the nature do not spare

what all happened in japan on Friday is the example how the nature can destroy in few minutes.a very sad scene how people lost all their belongings.this all is due to over interference of human in nature.too much mining from the mines is also one of the reason of quakes.this creates more gaps in between the layers of strata,causing friction between the layers that causes blasts and evolution of gas and pressure that get release on soft points.

generally the tremors are seen more in those areas where they generally occur.because they are on the end points as you must have seen in the news.inside earth all is there which can occur blasts and movements and tremors due to reactions.volcanoes are those points like ass hole of earth which release the pressure of earth and this prevents quakes.tsunamis then occur due to unusual movement on earth.

so with reference to my articles,blogs i was always giving awareness to people that to save the globe it important to reduce the use of those products which are coming from mining,minimum use can prevent tsunamis,quakes etc.we should stop the interference of nature.let them recharge naturally,extra ore mining of various ores should be rationalized.developed countries are using maximum ores.they are emitting large percentage of gases.all developed and undeveloped will have to come together to find out the solution.more use of agriculture products is the alternate.scientists to work to find out alternate of fuel.people can help by reducing the consumption.otherwise environment conscious like japan will have to suffer due to others.mining is done at one place and after effects are at another place.this is phenomena of nature.

so again we will have to think to stop use of those poly products also whose source is earth.minimum burning of fuels which cause harm to nature,planting of trees,more farming,reduction of mining can help.

najeeb khan

Saturday, February 26, 2011

diabeties care

generally diabetes occur due to irregular habits,tension,overwork,fast food,and over consumption of sugar products.

how i cured myself and got rid of diabetes. a view and tips for all.all i did is was food therapy and very less was a tragedy with me that my eye got serious bacterial was effected,due to tension all time slowly i became once i started precautions,gave up all above mentioned i became 99 percent sugar only sugar free.occasionally i eat sweets that only in party which i go rarely.i left max potato,chips,rice,and eat maximum green vegetables.i left fast food which i was fond i eat more chana flour,dals like moong,arhar or masoor.i eat much salad.i left groundnuts and dry fruits.the results are that now i can survive without insulin tablets.sometimes as a precaution i take ayurvedic or unani medicines to not take chance of reoccurring.the main reason my disease was not inheritable and was in early stage so by control of food i managed to cure.i gained the weight i lost and daily exercise and walk is a boon for controlling.i consume maithi,its seeds,jamun in season and seeds powder in off season.cumulatively all is helping.normally when i eat as per my menu i always feel well.but whenever i take chance to eat sugar products continuously for two to three days on testing i see increase or rise of blood what is my opinion that food control can keep you fit and no increase if once managed by medicine in initial stages.
so whenever you feel weight loss,more thirst more urine discharge again and again,weakness immediately consult doctor and manage your food you will get rid of diabetes in initial stages only.


the obligation is very usable and effective these can find everywhere that if if obligate then hope for work.political people obligate their seniors.if no obligations then you can get transfers,out of portfolios,no election ticket,no good marks in practical,no hearing of your problems in any department.
this obligation started from the times of kings,Britishers,zamindars etc.even anti socials obligate to save themselves in hardships.they use to give gifts in the form of money or precious things.this was the way to come near and in good books.still people adopt the same technique.even those who are not social become social activists by donations.they give donations to organizations to come in news,sammans and then come closer to authorities and political icons and then enter in for entering in politics these days obligation play a very important role.the position we see these days of corruption,scams is all due to entry of undeserved in by obligations and money you can be v.i.p.the obligatory becomes answer less and you can fulfill your aims.this is how the obligation works.

najeeb khan

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

why the buses only target

everyday we read in news,see on t.v. news that state transport buses burnt in agitations. why they are only target,the losses indirectly are only coming on public by increase of bus fares,poor maintenance etc. the state transport all over india are in bad state and such incurred losses are increasing their i wrote in my earlier blog that traffic rules hardly apply on these buses only in which i stated a incident at bhagwan talkies crossing.sometimes the buses take daily passengers from bhagwan,or take few to complete their target.they are always asked to go away and other private vehicles are in wait to carry passengers to isbt.though others can be seen in haphazard way shouting for passengers,that on duty generally overlook.some strictness for few days then again same story.i rarely in a year go to Delhi or mathura can afford direct conveyance to bus stand. but those who travel daily for them counts a strictness looks good if some provision had been made for govt.undertaking buses and city buses on such rush crossing.

generally the govt. services go to loss that they are bound to obey rules and regulation because they are answerable due to permanent service and can be easily identified.the since British times were provided to keep control on fare etc. and to facilitate govt dept to carry prisoners from prisons to court etc because private can not be relied. so coming on the issue that such losses given to buses is a serious offense when burning buses can be shown on news then why not the culprits and there political supporters.if this is started that whole bus value may be taken from the culprits who damage it little can be prevented.the insurance companies are less interested to insure,or if insured the losses is also of govt corporations like national,oriental etc. this is the reason they cannot give attention in other services,most of the income goes for such.this has increased in maximum in few years that state transport buses are weapon for such protesters.many times the personal property is also burnt which is carried by passengers.

now it is duty of all political party leaders who lead such to prevent a national can burn it own country property.never such is condemned by the houses of parliament and assemblies.this is not democracy do what you want give statement what you want without thinking of its consequences.such has only created the tendency that senior administrative authorities were left only when the demands of protesters were accepted.if laws will not be implemented and no strict measures taken we are leading the country to a very serious threat.we will have to create fear among mass of law.for this all political parties should get united and prevent all such type of situations.may be anti socials and terrorist may accompany them and take advantage of lacuna. caps,uniform,and flags of any party is easy to get and any antisocial can be with the crowd. for this years back i wrote to p.m. office that party workers should have identity cards issued by a competent authority that the person in crowd is a valid member of the party he is representing.but i am very sad that no action its a time to look in this matter very seriously and a strict law is needed to save public and private property damaged in such agitations.

najeeb khan agra-282005 919897358187