India got independence with no massacre,fight,civil war, i. a peaceful approach of then leaders made impossible for Britishers to continue. the main factor they applied was non cooperation. till end they made efforts to rule . they could not resist in the end the peaceful agitation. it is considered one of the peaceful independence war. if this must not have happened the English must have destroyed all the development done in the name of war or civil war. if then politicians must not have wise enough more Indians have been effected. there were more %of Indians in army. not successful in their policy they gave a proposal indirectly for the division of India. they new well that to ge position conflict will arise . lord Mountbatten was sent to India at last only to finalize the issue. the other problem they had left was of states. that had a option to merge with their likings. the states were safe only due to the protection of Britishers. as a thank to those who never united against the English. it is a fact that all states including nizam,Kashmir. and others have revolted or allowed their forces and land to fight against British they must have left earlier. they were friendly with British the evidence is that when new Delhi was developed all nawabs and maharajas were allotted land in new Delhi for their places. of them many in the name still exist. people forget past but indian leaders for independence never got strong support from such states. they had no option to not merge in indian republic. because the public was against monarchy. Goa and others merged only due to retaliation of public. .
so the indian politics before Independence was very constructive and foresighted. the decisions were taken after cumulative ideas,and thinking's of the great leaders. the politicians were very respected persons and even became equivalent to mahatmas. the ideology of bhim rao ambedkar ji made him amar in the history of India . he worked to his maximum for the down trodden. many leaders are ideals till today . their ideologies never changed. that leader is a true leader who have his principals,no hatred,or jealousy with anybody. this was the reason the leader got their identity. they never thought of their personal benefits. many even came after leaving their business .they had a rich heritage and must have enjoyed life. many gave lifes at their causes. the cumulative efforts of all gave an indication to British that now impossible to rule. seeing the ambitions of few well known they divided India in a very bad shape those who favored congress had to bear Pakistan. i mean frontier. others who were not interested in division like Punjab were forced to bear. and due to hurry. no control,no planned evacuation retaliation of few opportunists,lakhs of innocent died in 1947 people were acting like tribes in be wilderness. and the Britishers commenting that do these deserved independence. in the name of religion people forgot humanity. ambitions, and quietness in approval of portion made indian subcontinent a place of war.
so it is necessary that the politician should be mature,wise and understanding. simply giving good speeches by creating emotional issues or criticism does not make you great leader. simply commenting a community and clapping by few does not mean you have made good speech. speech should be with facts and realities behind. their should be some ideology. the present politics,politicians,and political parties are the latest form going away from their ideologies. one topic in news will only highlighted by many. if a party has open ideology and preferences, let people see to it and if they are in parameters of constitution then why criticism. akhand bharat is a good concept if all can live peacefully and democratically then what is the problem. if any body is giving his own views out of party agenda ,may be he needs publicity. if the party agenda is for development of all caste,creed,religions, then what is harm in trying a new combination. why to fear strong apposition and genuine leaders will be always there. many small parties emerged and many supremos lacked in our country parliament strong apposition and strong ruling party. many organizations of weak strength and followers have divided the opinions and thinking's. India needs strong parties and organizations with no subsidiaries and branches. due to many sub divisions the high commands are loosing control on their parties and organizations. for this an example that discipline still exist in RSS and is functioning well. the high command have its control. ideologies of all party members should be transparent and agreed by all. those who do not agree should quit or expelled and never be welcomed again for a lesson to opportunists .who not getting portfolios form new parties and weaken the parties. the parties also behold not do coalition with those who first join the joint government,and then quit in between leaving the country or state in uncertainty or revenue losses in elections again. such opportunists are not to be entertained at any cost. such opportunists who come to make money in politics have fallen the image of politics. politics and healthy political personalities can only bring back the image of gone politics. good politics can come by selection of deserving,healthy,educated,experienced,and leaders with ideologies and values. the leaders who stand on their commitment and be also faithful to the party on whose shoulders they got victory. individual are less votes. party votes are always decisive. so the parties can get a major share of people votes if their front leaders are favorite . good leaders of any age and having good control can give fruitful results. this can only prevent the loss of votes due to distribution in many candidates and very less share of votes candidate go to parliament or legislative assembly. major share vote candidate should go as elected candidate. we hope for good politics in India. a strong governments can make development of country. and also a strong apposition who may be in position to make govt. if any party leaves it agenda. , due to this only the constitution have given the provision to control in need.
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