the manners and your behavior,discipline shows that what are your sanskars,family background and your brought up. if you are out of house and you behaving bad with or before your elders, or you are abusing or teasing on way, passing bad comments,shouting,or doing circus does not show that you are rich,brave,or khali,or dara singh. it only shows your poor mentality and the family atmosphere, or locality, area they come from. this reflects that they have no moral values,poor teaching, or they are coming from a very undisciplined school.
in our school days, there are less no. of such persons,students,or children s. but surprising now even girls are also not behind boys in this field. the bad behavior at public places,.this is only due to no control or negligence of parents and school teachers. it should be seen that what the students are doing after school or coaching. the parents should also enquire of timings and reason of their late reaching at home or cause of absence. generally the illiterate class or labor class have no time to know the where about of their children but when i see of well to do families children, roaming,dodging,sitting idle on roads, chatting on restaurants i cannot understand that when they get time for study or revision. i see many of my students complaining me that they have less time for course, how otters roam , it means that either their parents are careless, or busy in some other activities, . the negligence towards their child can cost them later on either in form of some addictiveness or wrong company. the many incidents, and culprits caught these days we often see through news channels and papers are generally of superior class. lower class is involved in small thefts,pickpocketing,or picking something from shops etc. but the high profile crimes are generally seen committed by middle class, or those children to whom parents are not giving attention. these days young folk targets the old in making fun this shows their sanskars and family brought up and backgrounds. parents are only responsible for such.
due to no proper sanskars and poor brought up you can see many throwing garbage outside their houses, creating nuisance in other areas, teasing the old ,commenting on girls. no fear of elders, posing of their motorcycles, cars as if people have not seen so fast driving. many times i see children playing or on toy cycle saved by god grace they shiver or trimmer by their action, and something bad can happen . why the parents of such underage children are given vehicles. does this shows something they are proud of.
najeeb khan
Agra, 282005india
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