Sunday, October 17, 2010

id ul zoha,id ul milad, and mohurrum an inytoduction.

the festivals in indian subcontinent are celebrated in different ways in comparison to other countries. indian festivals are always colorful and the ceremonies are very vast and viewed by mass. people love to go here on these occasions . the same difference is with indian Muslims due to culture. Indian Muslims are impressed by their predecessors and the culture of the subcontinent. ... the brief introduction of idd ul zoha is festival of sacrifice ,in practice since the time of ibrahim as salam. he was going to sacrifice his son for GOD but as he tied cloth on his eyes ,as soon he slaughtered on opening he found a lamb there. . the celebration started since then.
id ul milad is in the memory of prophet mohammad rasool allah. this day he was born. mehraj, went to god, and also died on the same day. rarely seen for many. ..due to this only shabebarat other name starts from previous day night, extra prayers, visit to ancestors, cemeteries or graveyards and extra nafil namaz are offered in homage of holy prophet. . next morning on the day alms and food are offered to poor. in Islam there are two extra wajib, (COMPULSORY)namaz that is on both side. offered by all Muslims all over the globe.
the mohurrum are to keep memory of grandsons and other family members of prophet mohammad daughter, who died in war with yaziz in the kabala, near the city situated in iraq at present. it is a time of sorrow for Muslims all over the world. in India a different way of presentation in India. it is entirely different from other parts of the world. for 10 days poor are offered food and on last day the indian what tazias are cremated in local karbala graveyard. this started in India from the time of king timur who use to go to Iraq at imam hussain tombbut that year he could not go so he offered his homage to a replica of the imam tomb then the tradition started in India. the historical record. people have written that timur lang was directed for such in dream......
najeeb khan
agra, india

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