sometimes their are no reasons of this.anyone can be jealous of you.his acts can be due to hatred of any caste creed religion or community.there are some anti-socials who convert the situations in communal to create disturbances to achieve their aims to get fame,or to get political opportunities.this happens most in Asia.people are divided in such the basics and fundamentals are not based on national and humanitarian values.people to whom i call anti-socials create such that one may retaliate and become cause of controversies.i am a minority living in a posh colony,many know i love nature,trees,and love cleanliness outside houses and at all public places.what few anti-socials do they throw garbage of their houses packed in carry bags outside my house or in front of my house or near my house.i alone do not suffer but my other right neighbor also.i am cool and prevent any conflict i know the source because i am very vigilant and in garbage their are many clues to detect,lastly sniffer dogs can also detect the culprit.but i am neutral because i do not want to effect my work for the causes i am working.
one can face such hindrances due to hatred and jealousy in all fields.starting from childhood you start facing such struggles,during school days many of this kind will steal your books,project work and answer copies so that you waste time and get less percentage.i saw such in my school days and still my students report such.sometimes teachers favor some and neglect st.peters in my school days i remember few teachers who had this attitude i even faced such in high school level and inter level.same many bright students face such situation many times due to private tutorials.many such situation few face in their career and service tenure.this is human nature and cannot be prevented.
it is very important that proper education should be given at primary level so that the views,narrow mindedness,rigidness,conserve attitude may change.i have seen many who even not know the spirit of game they add religion and history to it.for e.g. i was reading newspaper the propaganda was made such that their is some war to take place.many report of humiliating relating the Muslims of india to Pakistan.many those even not know when Pakistan originated join the Muslims with Pakistan.Muslims in india are supposed to be first Indians.due to hatred of one religion to other people like Jinnah got an opportunity to calm Pakistan the biggest mistake done in world history.the opportunists and anti socials were prepared to make small incidents communal by relating the personal conflicts to the cricket match.may be still some pro Pakistan Muslims may be residing in india,because partition of india was totally on communal basis.the fact is that people like frontier Gandhi khan Abdul gaffar khan was never in favor of pak. and most of the frontier path-ans favored congress and the pak was made in their area due to certain policy of then British government.i heard the speech of frontier Gandhi when he came to agra he claimed that pak.was forced on us.the historical fact is that Muslim league was the brain child of Jinnah and British to prevent the development of subcontinent.india culture is of different character crores of people migrated from pak to india who really came from Pakistan historically though it was not on agreement of transfer of natives.the more populated Muslim areas were given to pak and rest to india. the Muslims migrated from free india from u.p.,bihar and other states are still muhajirs and never got the status of citizens of Pakistan.the secret is that if z.a. Bhutto must have survived the sind part of Pakistan must have merged in india..Bhutto plan was to free n.w.p.,frontier,and pak occupied Punjab free states and sind which had more population of Sindhi and indian migrated Muslims to merge in india.but his death prevented his secret mission.z a Bhutto had seen Sindhi development in india and also saw the position of Muslims in india living more peacefully then and path ans never loved to be under any rule.this is history that they have their rule still and believe in their own kabila laws and supremacy.Britishers also could not rule for more period in those areas.even moguls were not successful.the migration was due to governance failure during riots.historical fact is that no country can unite by religion.the origin of Bangladesh desh is an example.i have written much earlier on this.this our father of nation shri mahatma Gandhi knew well and he was against partition,but the ambitions of two leaders to become first prime minister brought this situation.the Britishers were very anxious in partition because they seeing future market of arms and ammunition.though their concept failed they had thought that always war will continue and they will not progress.this was also a form of indirect hatred or jealousy.
so coming back on hatred and jealousy that all is due to antisocial and opportunists in their own interest,financial,political,personal or others.this can be deleted from the minds by bringing the historical facts,mistakes,and after seeing past.the real good history to be taught to new generation.this will change the majority non understanding to understanding.personal hatred is cancer of society and it exists in all competitors of all fields.may be business,service,political or among neighbors.wise understand and fool continues such ill deeds to harm or irritate others.this is not good for upgradement of society and must be prevented or stopped.GOD IS ALWAYS HELPING THE RIGHT FROM EVIL.
najeeb khan
agra 282005
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