Friday, April 15, 2011

a curtain raiser.

i have written much in my blogs,columns,comments,articles,letters to governments state and central my views on crime corruption opportunism and antisocial activities.on Facebook people agreed to view was that existing laws if must have been applied and people must have had fear for involving in any corruption but the draw back was that due to greed of earning extra,to fulfill their undeserved ambitions this cancer spreaded in the society.after few decades of independence the political parties made it involved in politics and many undeserved candidates got place in politics.the genius and deserved could not contest due to elections became very costly affairs.political parties also gave preference to rich.the voice of right among many disappeared.many left faces who had not worked socially in past,soon got chance in politics.succession also continued.the funds were not used properly or not reached to the right.large gap emerged between society.crime and corruption entered in poor class,many became supporters of one party or another.administration was forced through political figures because the sources of such made helpless to administration to keep strict.people learnt to mold their personal issues into political,communal,or otherwise.many times administration have to withdraw n such cases.every third person in india is near and dear of some party,organization or others.then for petty things politics will come in between how to think of good governance.whenever people are caught in cheating misuse of public property etc even regarding electric bills many leaders come forward to save the culprits. i am not writing something new all comes in news daily.many times people get rid of high charges to enter politics has become shelter for many anti-socials.many are portfolio holders after earning huge money from occupying or selling public land or by other unfair means.adulteration,in eatables,medicines,no taxes paid though taken by consumers to govt.encroachment,wrong assessments,occupying roads foot paths,graveyards for residences commercial activities advertisements,generators etc all comes under corruption.

lokpal bills or any other law cannot stop such.for this people themselves will have to understand.forming n.g.o.s social organizations with own family members is also a way of corruption.the land shown in such is used for personal farming and no declaration by many of income is not in practice.donations to parties and other organizations is also a legal way to save taxes.thousands of social organizations are registered every year.the budget are spent more on rent conveyance travel seminars parties etc. all is to enjoy the is to be seen that help is going to people 100 % to people and other expenses social workers to manage from their own.most of the help is done in consumables not easy to find whether it was purchased or only on papers.most of the budgets are spent in developed urban projects come up very less.rework and construction of roads in develop ares have lacuna s to manage.too many nigams for the same nature of job.and newly formed temporary nigams and boards give a chance of corruption or poor quality again and again in few selected areas hide the faults of early work.most of the development are not well planned due to many authorities and different coordination among them is wasting the funds.there are so many works in one area one from the allotted budget of corporotor then of m.l.a. then of m.p.,then in some special until and unless all will not be centralized district wise the losses will continue.first roads and drains are made then sewage work,then underground lines etc then somewhere water pipe lines instead of development become rework and waste of funds.if planned properly like metros of other countries under one responsible answerable authority then the cities can develop in a planned way....

so to stop corruption people have to think that the government money is theirs and all to see that it may not be misused.simply putting foundation or completion stone not proves that work is done satisfactory.question is that the development lasted for so much period.simply making happy to people of your constituency or area will not and all will have to keep pains of the money spent in any project keeping apart their political desires and vote bank.every year the budgets are present in loss.this do not show the prosperity of country.actual development means that all in india whether living in rural or urban should be equal and long lasting.if funds not utilized properly this is also a version of corruption or manipulation on papers.if the road is only layered it should come in records and if a drain is only plastered or renovated the payments should be done on actual construction done.

government can take strict measures and can control by good management and latest electronic technology to reduce corruption to great extent.proper planning and guidance by developed nation experts on such matters and how to bring transparency in tenders bids.and work to be given to companies seeing their expertise and previous background can remove the undeserved construction companies out of competition.there should be fixed liability and time limit of the work done.if the work is seen not up to the mark after certain period then such should be penalized and those also should be answerable to whom budgets were allotted for their area,and also the govt machinery involved in it.proper administration and strictness is necessary. political parties to choose their best candidature in all respects,and proper screening to be done before allotting and portfolio or ticket for election.good and expert,experienced candidature can change the scenario. if we will elect a sound and fair candidates for parliament and assemblies keeping in mind of good representation in all aspects can bring a change.besides that we will have to finish corruption from our end starting from ourselves.simply dharnas,hunger strikes can bring awareness but practical all will have to do.all know good or bad since ages.all religions show the right path.but the thing is when people will follow them by their hearts or brain.
the other part the govt will have to give attention to take measures to remove poverty,illiteracy and poor reduce crime and corruption unemployment will have to be removed,then the results will come itself,by good education and employment in any sector can make a change ..empty mind is house of devil.

najeeb khan

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