Tuesday, September 14, 2010

the fact is that india was stable since times due to only reformers. since times then reformers educated the society on many matters like humanity,love and sacrifice. their efforts only diffused the misunderstandings created by those elements who had benifit in hatred among different religion followers. they were always against reformers because they knew if people will not believe on suspicians,superstitions,beliefs, and will know the facts about other religions who will come to take their advise and how they will survive because their lilihood was dependant on this. thes sort of persons were in all religions a few examles of such i will later in this article.
many of the well known reformers of their times were lord buddha,bhagwan mahavir,samrat ashoka,kabir das,gurunanak ji kabir das ,many other muslim saints and hindu saints,swami vivekananda,mahatma gandhi,frontier gandhi who never accepted pakistan and his bad luck was that pakistan was formed in his territory who has voted to be india.a fogotten nationalis and follower of matma gandhi.........many other great reformers in the series of shri ram,shri krishna,raja harish chand and many other saints,sufis,sants,swamis impossible to mention. the indians were awyy from many civil wars,caste feelings communal rights due to such great gods saints or reformers.
the communal elements only worked on the subject of other religions by which they can create hatred for others,and people may not get an opportunity to understand other religion. for examle muslims eat non veg ,though they eat themselves but they had a point to create hatred. they took advantage of faith and created misunderstanding. it is not necessary if you dont like you do eat any thing in muslim house.but why preventig anybody to do friedship. these people who call themselve learned teachers never tell that if non veg food must not have been allowed how desert people must have survived where there is no crops. those days they even not had so much money that they can import from elsewhere. muhammad sahib worked all his life for reforms only in those days the arab world was in very bad stage,corruption all over.
we in our days have reformers and one of the latest mother tersa. but we have many communal elements also who are inside many political parties,colleges,schools,social organisations who are creating hatred among religions,csate and society for their personal benifit or political benifit. till when such will use this strategy to gain portfolio or financial benifit. their are many examples in our present poltical world who took the benifit of this formula like the britishers and now enjoying high portfolios and huge wealth in our country. many we know who had nothing when they started their poltical carreer but by creating such atmoshere by their speeches took support of the innocent and illiterate citizens on the base of caste creed and religion have risen at the top. they took advantage of unemployed youth citizens who were in poor financial posion and spoiled the carreer of many,if they must have been their true well wishers then they must have supported them for education.carrer or self employment. they by giving few thusads take help of them in elections,bandhs,rallies,or support during trouble. a simple question for those supporters what they echieved for themselves,they all are enjoying royal life and those who worked for them are there only where they was except few photos in news papers which also are paid publicity. so what i want to express through this is that use your minds read well the old history for facts,then only you will know that who made mistakes and who were reformers who saved the society.
i also request the teachers to tell the real history to the students and politics should be kept far from the growing generations, then only society will create reformers,true leaders,nationalists,and again a golden bird as known for india,the place for good moral,economical and educational centre as it was famous in olden times. people only come to those places where they get values and education.

najeeb khan
agra 282005

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