Monday, September 13, 2010

feeling and blind faith in indians

indian believe a lot in superstitions. you can lakhs of people bluffed by such elements.the foundation of all religions is faith. many so called bluffers make fool of the innocent citizens of indian subcontinent,here you will find sacrifice of animal(bali),many sitting on dargah and saying jinnath are coming ask what you want dancing, saying hals are coming,during qawwali. i myself once experimented this during a urs ceremony at kanpur. people believed me ,many wre on my feets ,some standing in ovation and respect.but anyhow i got rid of situation and felt sorry for it and never repeated it in future. this all is a profession and a group is there who know all your problem and the so called sufi,guru,or tantrik when you visit will tell you your problems himself,and your faith in his technology abecomes strong. . one of the fact about tantra is that you go to a tantrik that i m fed up with with somebody,and i want to take revenge. he will say i can do this he will vanish etc. then he will demand good money for the job.if you pay he with the help of his network will transfer some bacteria or virus which they culture in their old technique somewhere through some materil they want to effect by any means. and when somebody is sick they claim see i told you that something will happen ,this is a start see what will happen. definitely somebody in house who have less resistance get infected,and if not cured even die.and the person who says he had done so becme hero andthe person involved becme his devotee. i know and have seen many such and sufis,peers sitting on dargahs surrounded by many ladies and thir team, even not go for namaz,and have made this their business. najumi in urdu, or astrology,numerology to tell about your past,present and future is not an easy task. it is a complete course and need lot of practice and experience, so beware of such antisocial elements who to earn money are doing this act. people should not give donations to such .if you want to donate money on such places like dargah,masjid,temples, etc put in the locked box for this purpose generally in those people who are visited by hundreds of people. money ogiven in the hands is not used for the purpose you want.
so believe only in god. that is the reason education is necessary,most illiterated are made fool.this is negligible in developed nations,middle east and other countries like turkey people do not believe in such. even in holy city madina and holy mecca the rules are very strict,nobody is allowed entry,or offer flowers etc. this problem only is in india,pakistan,bangladesh,nepal bhutan,burma now myanmar or shri lanka. a little extent in malasia and indonesisia. the culture influenced by india since centuries,.
so mainly i want to highligt is that you shold follow your religion as directed in holy books of your religion. dont get influencesed by such cheaters and opportunists who due to their greed are misguiding you and putting you away from right path,and playing with your emotions and faith may
najeeb khan
kamla nagar agra

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