wehave the right of information, but not at the cost of national security,harmony,and peace. this is very truth that all living in the part of asia which was once part of asia,were either hindus or persians .the region of china and japan,indosia,ceylon,burma,malasia,taiwan,korea etc were followers of buddism. after the origin of islam few invaders came to india in search of wealth,greenland. the indian soil was fertile and everybody looked towards it . mahmud ghaznavi invaded india many times but only in search of wealth not to rule. on the way of india he use to employ proffessinal fighters which was a trend those days. afghanistan was nursery of proffessional fighters they use to fight on contract and share basis. there tribal groups still adopt the same proffession,and the terrosist groups are still utilising them. the talibans emerged against the king of afghanistan and russia with the help of america. they became problem for america itself when they joined the terrorists group .
generally when i write i give old references of historical mistakes. pakistan and other splitted countries of ussr. faced ditto problems. so we the asians are very sesitive on religion of which many take advantage. we join the leader withot knowing the fact. so many political parties ,leaders,and other organisations have cashed this weakness of indians also.
i will not go in old historical mistakes done earlier on the name of religion,and the britishers also took a big advantage of it .
the same should not be repeated again. day before yesterday i was reading in a news paper that the govt of u.p.,is worried about law and order after court decision on ayodhya matter . firstly how meetings on such come out to media, is it necessary to bring every thing before media. i am also anyway related to media but i do not agree that such matters to be disclosed. this gives more attintion to public what is going to happen unnecessary havoc as it is done every year in patliament and outside by many parties. this is only to crate favour and vote bank .. when the leaders of india sop use of religion for their benifit. boldly i can say that all have used the ayodhya issue which was only in the knowledge of local people but the shilanayas by then mr. late rajiv gandhi made it a national news, then advani ji yatra gave a big vote bank of b.j.p., and then mulayam singh ji became a muslim supporte and due to all this various parties emerged on state level .we could not get a strong government in our country. and no doubt this has effected the development of our country. besides my vision problem i could not keep me away on writing on this matter will be edited and corrected for mistakes. so what i request all party leaders, govts, central govt to be very particular in giving any statement or view to media ......
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