yesterday one of my student purchased a calculator,just for rs. 65.00 it was of a duplicate of a reputed company of japan,previosly illegal smuggled goods use to come now fake products also. what will happen to indian industry.such people by cooperating to sell such products are also responsible of illegal business. what a fun the shopkeeper will tell you very proudly, toys of china,stationary,furniture,shoe material,even rakhi,diwali candles,and many many oyher things.
this all materil is filtreed to india through borders,if illegal material can enter then why not illegal migrants. india will have to make same policy for all borders fiend country or foe .. what i had been writing to govt about stopping illegal business,and also many measures,but no concrete step was taken yet. due to outside prducts we lost home industry of lether,footwear,toys,stationary,decorative articles,cosmetics,electronics,etc.
though by going down of domestic industry.big enterprenurs are gettig raw on low rates,and the final product of leather is going to developed countries. these synthetic products our country mass is using thinking as leather product. those big companies which export and have monopoly on business ,are capable of importing raw material. like polythene synthetic materil is creates depression,hypertetio,skin diseases, and can even cause skin cancer. do to no awareness and no proper information by seller,and no proper law all is floating in market.
it is also a indirect war if you effect the economy of the counry. i cannot understand why the governmebts are not strict on this issue. the opposition should demand to stop all imports if allowed and to take necessary measures to stop illegal products to india to save the indian industry.
only giving datas announcement of various project or schemes will not solve the problem. all to see that what is the exact position,and needtoverified the feedback whether it is correct or not .illegal business is also like disease or virus i know many who close down their business and gave thir establishment on rent, this caused a great loss to workers ,others,.many risen to better position by illegal meaNS IN A VERY SHORT SPAN,NOT ACTUALLY POSSIBLE ION THIS COMPETETIVE PERIOD SINCE LAST 15 YEARS IN LEATHER,CHEMICALS,OTHERS MENTIONED ABOVE CCREATE SUSPICAN. WHEN I WAS AT KANPUR BEFORE 2002. I SAW RISE OF FEW AND DOWNFALL OF MANY DUE TO USE OF SYNTHETIC PRODUCTS. so what is the use of such development that at the cost of rise of one hundreds go down . the policies need to be reviewed and something should be done for lingaering mas general industry of inndia, because india will flourish if mass is working well not few big guns .
najeeb khan
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