since i have started writing for public to view i had been covering issue like crime,corruption,education,reforms,management,systems,administration,corruption,bribery,opportunism,terrorism ,history review and main aim is always to bring awareness.this is also a part of my service of social help for education.i made a start writing blogs by recommendation of few students who use to come to get write some for projects.i worked more on writing for preparation of my daughter for journalism.the interest came to me to publish my works at Facebook as notes,blogs on blogger,then i started writing for comments and tried for columns in print and electronic news papers.started from only writing letters to govt agencies i turned towards internet.many of my friends liked my way of presentation.i then started tweets.all my writings linked with each other.i also shared my good and bad experiences with the new in trade,industry and also common.writing made me coolest possible.i only write what i think or comes in my mind.this is the reason i started blogs like my ideas,do you agree,save the planet,help the world,ecosave and notears,ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL SERVICE,EDUCATION HELP ETC.howandwhysuch etc.the concept of mine was only to highlight abuses and uses,merits and demerits,by doing so many particularly ask me to writ in favor or against,but my aim always is to implement anything is very easy but we should also keep in mind the after effects.may some not take undue advantage or favor.there may be no functional problems.the fear of punishment may not finish.already lot of people are immuned not to work.if more weapons to save will be given directly then there can be administrative problems.liberty is in democracy but not above law and will have to follow rules regulations.if we give any Brahma Astra to society or any individual then he can dictate,threaten or blackmail directly or we can hope that we will find angels for some the summary of all my notes blogs comments is that all pillars to be answerable to each other.some important positions and portfolios will have to be left as per protocol or respect to the post.if any have the power to question all then democratically to whom he will be answerable.who will see that the person effected got justice or in law or judicial system there are one court above other.the last power to review is with president.this only to get justice to cross examination is very essential for democratic system.we have constitutional power if any government or representative not working as per desired responsibilities their is space to be terminated by party or not to elect again.the constitution was framed such by our great leaders that true democracy may be in our country.their was prevention also to stop corruption but such a complicated issue it is a very big task to stop.for stopping such in my view lot of cooperation and vigilance will be required.their are two parties in corruption one who propose and one who receives.we will have to find out ways and systems to screen them besides a system transparent and no space of favor or a hot issue of the year and something best can only come out by full cooperation of all political parties.all good suggestions to be entertained forgetting the personal competition for issue like such.all can come up to find amicably some good law to manage with effect,for good governance and control by any party who may be in power.if any hurdles of any kind the weapon of amendment is with parliament.
najeeb khan
kamla nagar agra-282005
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