what is the true social service. it is that the help may go to the needy,apart of cast,creed,religion or community.the social service is not to show or to get recognition in society.i know many social servers and organizations who only give the benefit to their household or factory employees.this they do to get double benefit,show in society,publicity,and indirect bonus to their near employees.the employees who get such help ware continuing on work under impression that they have got extra help,but they do not know that this was not an obligation.in short i want to say that this should be done only through registered organization.God will never accept it as as donation to poor if you accept extra work from the helper.their have come up many organizations to do such social work only to get publicity,a senior person is called on such occasion to get media coverage.the genuine social help as per all religions is that such help should not be publicized.because by doing so the real needy cannot take help. if not open those can also receive help though they need help but among society they are known in better position.this way you can even help your relatives,friends,etc....many organizations should merge and come on one platform to work on bigger projects.but by ding so only deserving and less people will be on portfolios and on news.but the decisions to help to whom will be more impartial. hope people will help the needy and doyen trodden. social service can be done also without money .for it see my web. helptheworld.hpage.com
najeeb khan
kamla nagar agra. 282005
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