why these politicians want divert mind from reality and basic requirements.they give such controversial statements which only indulge people away from facts. example one minister stated that high court bench in rampur,it prevented work in court due to strikes.already thousands of cases pending judges get salary other least bothered.supreme court ordered inquiry in taj corridor,c.b.i. investigated wealth case more than income.they not know political people have so much advisers not easy to detect such.even a common man knows how to manipulate wealth the politically motivated agencies investigate only such.in fact it looks that internally all politicians are of same understanding and internally cooperating.such are only highlighted in which results will be in favor.public knows well but no alternate to keep democracy alive.it is universal truth that wealth is immaterial and was of no use like karoon in the end he got same true for human death.the god particle will prove that all have to recycle and nothing is immortal.latest today i read in news now attention will be given towards NAMES OF NEW CITIES IN PREVIOUS GOVT. let such court and law decide.if any working in previous tenure govt courts can decide the reality.the attention needed most by central or states is to give attention on corruption,productivity,acceleration of projects,environment,rivers,hygiene,monitoring,routine visits to nigams other public services dept.reward to well doers demotions to non efficient,to control economy,health housing and other common causes.why to concentrate on such that the time of houses may be disturbed in such events which nothing is to get to common people.no attention or to find out measures to get the best quality in public works the main source of extraction of black money.up till when the minds will be diverted of mass in such which only give publicity.laws can be made for stopping further such which the ruling do for popularity among their voters.the educated voter understand well the realty and not believe in succession or parivarwad. is India having few families only who will rule the country.are they only genius or extraordinary.hope many fill it sour but it the result of the mentality left by English divide divert minds and keep on ruling.such can only end that citizens of India may send less est corrupt to houses out of option if not upto the mark it will be better for nation to send no party candidate,we have seen more then six decades the rule,even great economists failed before politics.only few want to enjoy portfolios India could not any nonpolitical candidate for president who must not have enjoyed political posts. do we not have any educationist scientists technocrat or any professional with outstanding background.if foreign companies or Indian private sector can run their enterprises in profits and increase mew units every year why governments only loosing and even in such which the other sector is gaining.IN REALTY NONE IS CONCERNED BY HEART TO FIND MEASURES OR REMEDIES BECAUSE THEY ARE GETTING RETURNS IN FORM OF SALARY FOREIGN TOURS SECURITY HOUSING OTHERS.NOW ALSO NOT TOO LATE AND MANY AMENDMENTS AND REFORMS CAN BE DONE TO BECOME THE WORLD BEST DEVELOPED NATION.REQUIRED ONLY IS WILL AND EAGERNESS TO SERVE THE NATION. JAI OF WHATEVER U LIKE.